Jinxed myself!

So, I had a moderately rough 1st and 2nd trimester. The first trimester I was EXHAUSTED and would go to bed at 6pm every night and only wake up for dinner. Halfway through... The morning sickness started. 100% of the time, very little relief (fortunately it wasn't so bad that I ever had to go to the hospital - I feel for you ladies who did!) I counted down the days until I'd be at 14 weeks and it would wane. When it didn't, I counted down to 16 weeks... Then 18... Then 20. By then I pretty much gave up and assumed that was just part of my pregnancy journey. Then at 29 weeks... It miraculously stopped! Now I'm 33 weeks and talking about how great my 3rd trimester is. No trouble sleeping, moderate aches and pains, don't feel HUGE (yet). 
And then this morning I puked again. Oh Lord if it's starting over again! 😂
But in all seriousness, I feel very fortunate to even be pregnant and in the 3rd trimester so I'm going to keep trucking along - puke or no puke. (I could do without the peeing-your-pants when puking though!)