Pill and Yaz

Hey everyone, just wondering if someone has pcos (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and takes Yaz and their bf cums in them are you still protected or because of the pcos the Yaz is less effective. Only asking because bf almost didn't pull out in time and I think some went in... 
Also does it matter what time of day you take Yaz everyday, or is it better in the mornings or evenings? And is it important to take it on time everyday or can you take it within a couple hours (eg take it 8am one day and next take it at 11am the next day) 
Thankyou and sorry for all the writing. I can't really talk to my mum about this as she is super religious and will not give me any advice when it comes to this so <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> is all I have to ask :)