Pregnant Smokers

Beep★★★™ • Uppity blacktivist ✊🏼 #BLM, & social deviant; I'll spare you the whole Megillah 😉 The Revolution will not be televised
Obviously smoking (in general) is unhealthy, and smoking while pregnant is dangerous for your baby. So the question is: if you see a pregnant woman smoking, do you speak up and say something or let it be? 

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Posted at
Do you think they don't already know smoking is bad, especially when pregnant? Do you really wanna be that person? Just don't.


Posted at
While I 110% think it's disgusting and wrong to smoke while pregnant I'm not gonna say anything. It's your choice, albeit a shitty one, so I'm not gonna say anything to you. If you can start telling pregnant women what they can and can't do, whose gonna stop someone from walking up to an obese person at McDonald's and telling them not to eat there? Or a crack addict not to smoke crack? Like? Yeah it's awful but it's not your life so leave it be. (Unless of course you know the person! I'm referring to like complete strangers)


Posted at
Leave them be, it's disgusting but a stranger isn't going to make them see sense. It's not like they'll say 'actually yeah ok, you're right', put it out and never smoke again. 


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I'm pretty sure all pregnant smokers know it's bad. If they won't quit for their child, they sure won't quit because a stranger said to.


B • Jul 2, 2016
I've argued about this before, unfortunately, some women believe smoking while pregnant is better than quitting bc the "stress" of quitting is too much on a developing fetus. It's completely idiotic, but some women think this way.


Posted at
This is absurd. Yall want to fight for virtually ALL other causes, but you KNOW smoking kills and you wouldn't try to save a life (or two?!) Speak up! No baby deserves that. Plenty of people stick their nose in other peoples' business. Make it worthwhile.


❄️Bunny • Jul 3, 2016
Exactly. It's child abuse.


Posted at
I caught my friend in the middle of a cigarette when she was 30 weeks pregnant. She was really embarrassed that she had been caught, but I didn't say anything. It was at her house, her body, her baby... Not my place, not anybody's place. What she chose to do during her pregnancy is between her, her husband and her doctor. 


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If I know the person I'll say something, if I don't know them I know it will be unwelcome and not listened to, plus for all we know they could be weaning themselves off of it.


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I understand it's completely their decision.. but I would more than likely speak up because it isn't just them they're hurting. The baby doesn't need that, & honestly neither does she! My parents smoke around me often.. but i either try to leave where they're at or keep my distance. I know a lady who smoked 2-3 packs a day & she has a perfectly healthy baby boy.. but I could not personally take that chance! 


Posted at
After learning about babies that are born with addictions, and knowing what they go through during withdrawls, I will always say something. 


Posted at
Not my business at all! Who the hell is saying something? What are you hoping to achieve? She obviously knows the dangers, you think a stranger judging her is going to change her behavior? Mind your own business and focus on yourself