Please protect them.


Dear Lord,

Please protect those nosey and insensitive people from my fists that I want to shove down their throats. Please hold their tongues when stupid remarks tempt to leave their mouths. Help me to remember that I can't control what they do or say. I ask you to give them wisdom and I ask you to give me patience and not strength because if one more person come to ask me/say foolishness - it might not end well. Hear my prayer, oh lord. I'm just trying to be someone my angel baby can be proud of, but these people make it extremely hard.



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People are the worst. I constantly have to remind myself that they are trying to be supportive, they just don't know any better. 


Janna • Jul 2, 2016
Yeah, people don't get it unless they've been there. I never truly understood until it happened to me. It sucks but I try to just cut people some slack..


Katelynn • Jul 2, 2016
And didn't reply.


Katelynn • Jul 2, 2016
I had to remind myself of that yesterday when I was talking to a friend and I said that I would have been 9 weeks yesterday and I was having a really hard time.. She told me not to dwell on the negative because that isn't going to help... I told her I'm not going to not mourn my baby and she read it