School School School

•••How can I make (high)school more interesting for myself?•••
 •    I sit in class with the continuity of  finishing my work first and having no other tasks that need to be done. I cannot get more challenging classes because my school has a lot of students attending and the number grows larger daily.
•    You may say talk to someone, that could be an option. Although, most of my classes I do not have anyone to conversate with that would understand my level of thinking(I am very mature for my age). So, it is a little challenging for me to find friends period. To add to this statement, I have extremely strict teachers who do not care for their students talking in class, no circumstances. 
•    It is the same continous routine, going through seven periods a day, going to class, finishing work first, almost falling asleep in class, not having someone to converse with.
•    I am sorry if I come across as complaining, I am just trying to explain my situation to you as best as I could with details. I hope someone would be able to help thanks!