Being put in the dog house (lengthy-ish)!

I'm 21, my child's father is 26. He's a chill dude and does not like confrontation whatsoever so he hardly ever deals with issues that need to be adressed. I on the other hand like to nip shit in the butt. I want to know if I have a place or a right to voice myself to these people despite not being married to the guy.

We aren't together but we do live together (not because I want to) with his aunt, her daughter and his mom. For as long as I can remember, they have always put him last or just screwed him over. His mom was going to let him be homeless because her husband didn't want him there. His aunt faced. We have been living together for 6 months now, since our daughter was born. While I understand we are all adults in the house, there's a lack of support.

I'm only working part time (I'm lucky to get 10 hours) and he's full time. We are struggling to support ourselves and our child but life has been allowing us to make it by a thread. When we put food in the fridge for ourselves, they eat it all and will not replace what they took but we aren't allowed to touch what they got. So, we can't keep nothing in the house for ourselves. They are making him pay to much money for rent as well. Granted, being how I only get payed between 25-33 dollars a week, I can't pay nothing. His mom works, his aunt works and her daughter works but they make him pay over 700 a month for rent when everything is 1200. Originally he payed only 400. I know the daughter has gone back to college so I'm wondering if that's why.

We only have 2 parking spots. Vistors can be blocks away but thankfully our neighbor offered us a parking spot because we would have to walk a pretty good distance to our car (he told us he felt sorry for us). Despite paying more rent than anyone in the house, we had to give up out spot to his mom. When they have company they take our third borrowed spot and it sucks. Before, his aunts daughter would allow her boyfriend to take our spot days at a time.

I'm not sure if I have a place to say anything. Do I? I would like to seriously ask them, why do they always dog us out. I want them to give us a little more respect if he can't ask them to do it.