Congestion in baby

Angela • My name is Angela. I am pregnant with my first little bundle of awesomeness!! I'm so blessed!
Hey mamas, 
My LO has been having congestion going on week two now. She has not ran any fever, she plays, laughs and smiles all day. And her boogers are clear. But you hear the boogies in her nose and at night she's been waking up because she's so congested. The hubs and I are getting worried. 
We do saline drops, suck the mucus out through her nose, Vic's on feet and chest and the humidifier every night. Nothing seems to give. I'm ready to call the doctor. Any of you ladies have any other remedies to try. Or any advice as to what else I can do. I'm a FTM so I'm not sure how long this can last and I don't want it to get worse.