You should always be able to count on family... unless you belong to my family. Long!!

Let's me start by saying I'm the black sheep of the family. I grew up in a very religious house hold (Pentecostal). Well I got out of all that 9 years ago when I was 17. So because I'm not part of the church anymore I'm put last and treated unfairly.

Now the current situation: In the beginning of my pregnancy everything was great and everyone was excited. It was like my family had gained a new openness to me that even my husband saw. Until my cousin announced her pregnancy. Then I stopped receiving phone calls. People stopped asking for updates and when doctor's appointments was. The only family members that have been there for me has been my brother and his wife. They don't believe in the whole Pentecostal thing either and have been disgusted with how the family has treated me.

For months we needed help with the nursery and my sister would always say "I'll be there not this Tuesday but the next" then never show. Wouldn't even call to let me know she was canceling on me. Finally my sister in law had enough and her and my brother came and help my and my husband put our nursery together. (My hubby works 6 days a week 12 to 14 hours a day. He just couldn't find time)

Well now after we have the house 100% baby ready just finished last weekend we notice flees in our house. On our last visit to see my family they gave my dog flees, who never gets flees because I bath him every week. And we brought them home on us it was so bad in their house. So Sunday we set off fogger and yesterday we treated all the furniture. Now we have to wash and wipe down EVERYTHING before baby comes in less than 2 weeks, or hell anytime!!! So I asked my sister to come over today to help me clean this place up and last minute she bails on me again. I'm only supposed to be on my feet 4 times a day walking for 20 minutes because my legs and feet are so swollen. But she tells me "just do laundry slowly and you'll have it all done before the baby comes" lol!! I have poison all over my house that needs to be washed off!!! It's more than just fucking laundry!!! It's every piece of fabric in this house, all the dishes, furniture, walls, and appliances. We used some really strong stuff because we also had brown recluse spiders coming out of the wood work.

I called my grandma and told her that my sister said she wasn't coming today and asked if they could tomorrow and nope can't do it. Church night tomorrow and they can't miss one freaking night of church. So they are coming Friday MAYBE!! My sister told me she would come do stuff while I was in the hospital having my baby... that could be tomorrow or 2 weeks from now. Plus Last thing I need is my nosey family poking around my house and finding my sex toys!!!

Ugh!! Rant over. Just over whelmed and had to get it all out.