YAY!!! 👶🏼

I don't think I've tested enough 
My fiancé and I have almost been trying for a year and a half never lost hope but definitely questioned whether there was something wrong with us or not when we had been dating for a few months we got a scare and it made my SO really start to wanna have a baby well I told him I want to be married after our 1 year anniversary he asked me to marry him and I got my iud taken out and we tried and tried but it seemed like everyone around us was getting pregnant within a month or so we were definitely on everyone's prayers list well I'm a research fanatic and saw someone posted these pills on here and they are for him and for her so you both take them talked to multiple employees who sold them and technically they are not allowed to back any products well they backed these ones a month and a half later I got these beautiful results I took my SO into target in the baby aisle since my brother is having a baby and I said I gotta tell you something I couldn't even get it out I burst into to tears and said I'm pregnant and at first he thought I was messing with him then I pulled my stick out of my boot and he choked back tears so happy an amazing already reading his baby books and planning so happy and amazing all of you ladies don't give up hope and stay positive 
Btw the pills we took were Fertility Blend you can get them on Amazon for super cheap