I saw a mother with 8 kids. I quickly came to judgment.

I don't know why, but I immediately was repulsed by the woman for her choice to have 8 kids. I had all kinds of thoughts in my head that I won't even mention here, but they were thoughts like, "she probably does this...and doesn't do that.." Her kids were all well behaved. She seemed attentive and had them under control.

I heard other women ask her, "Are they all your kids? How many kids? I could never have that many. I have X amount of kids and blah blah blah...."

I'm sure this woman hears the same questions and comments every time, and she could care less to answer the questions or hear about what other women have to say if THEY had 8 kids. When I realized that, I felt bad for her. All she wanted to do was get one thing in the store bit instead gets judgement stares and judgemental conversation.

When she walked away, women spoke badly about her to each other under their breaths. I, myself, thought the same things they were saying, but I would never say it out loud, nor would my facial expressions ever say those things for me.

I don't know why I felt so judgmental at first. Jealous? No. I have one beautiful boy and baby girl on the way. Plus I wouldn't be able to provide for 8 kids, nor would I want to even try! I won feel bad for them if I brought 8 in this world, like I don't have enough time for them or something.

I don't know why, but I just wanted to share this. My thoughts went from mean things to feeling bad for her, to not being sure what I think. Anyway, at the end of the day, no matter WHO says what or thinks what, she goes home happy with her mini-me's. All those little mini-me's have best buds to grow up with.

P.S. I thought it would be funny to add...Out of all the mean looks and comments from other women, there was ONE man in the store. He said, "8 kids? That's some serious fertility!"

He added some humor in all these snideness.