They're all so better than me.

Lately I've been feeling so down about myself lately. I've gained a bunch of weight, my face is breaking out a bunch and I just feel ugly. I thought maybe I was pregnant but nope my tests came back negative. Well my boyfriend is a very attractive man, and he knows it as well as EVERYONE. The sad thing is I'm not pretty and I'm fat and looking at the girls he was involved with over the years before he met me makes me even more insecure! They're all gorgeous and have nice bodies. I feel like he shouldn't be with me, that he should be with someone else who's prettier, has a better body and more going for herself. All I have literally is school, I don't have a job, I live with my parents still, and I'm 21 without a license or car. All I do is go to school, I have to rely on my parents for financial support because I don't have a job. I'm in medical school and that's literally the only thing I have going for me. Why can't I just feel good about myself and pretty. It doesn't matter how many times a day he tells me I'm beautiful and gorgeous and how much he loves me. I just can't fully believe him. He deserves so much better....💔