Here we go again

Back in July 2014 I found out I was pregnant. I was 5 weeks along and extremely excited. We hadn't planned on getting pregnant but we didn't care we were as happy as can be. In early August I started having bad pains and bleeding and like any pregnant woman I freaked out and thought I had lost the baby before I had seen my doctor. I went in for an ultra sound and was put on bed rest but unfortunately it had already be too late and I miscarried. We were devastated and embarresed because we had told our closets family and we felt stupid for letting anyone know so early. So we promised that next time it would stay a secret until we know for sure everything will be okay.
In October my boyfriend purposed to me and we planned for our wedding to be in November 2015 and had decided that we wanted to wait until after we were married to try and have another baby. But as luck has it were pregnant again! I took 3 positive test yesterday and I'm approximately 2-3 weeks along. 
And I am terrified. I want so badly to be happy and excited but I'm so affaird that I could possibly loose this baby too. I know I shouldn't stress and I need to take it easy, eat healthly drink lots of water and take my prenatals but there's this little voice I my head saying don't get attatched again. 
What should I do?