Baby B :)

Chelsea • I miscarried back in May of 2015 with my first baby, a beautiful little girl. I am now pregnant with my 2nd baby, and due on October 25, which is exactly a year from my due date with my first one.
Just 3 and a half more months till little Baby B is here!! I absolutely love feeling him move around inside of me, letting me know he is there! I have been doing quite some extensive doctoring though, as there is fluid around his heart, lungs, and stomach, and there is a possibility of there being a diaphragmatic hernia as well. I have a fetal MRI and an amniocentesis scheduled for today. I am 24w+1, and baby weighs 1 pound 10 ounces. His head is measuring 26 weeks though!! Kinda worried about that, but maybe it's common with gestational diabetes doctors? Praying for some answers and good news on everything tomorrow, and can't wait for or little nugget to be here!! I know good and well he needs to stay in and finish growing, but I sure hope the next three and a half months fly by!