Has anybody had their boobs shrink after birth control?

So before I got married, I wasn't on birth control. I was a good C cup, and loved it. But after I got married, I got on birth control, which was over a year ago, and now I can barely fit into a B cup. Sometimes my boobs are swimming in a B cup, and I can't fit into any of my clothes right anymore. Overall, I've lost weight. I went from a size 5 in pants, to a size 3 being too big. I now wear small or Extra small shirts instead of mediums, and I'm technicly underweight, but my doctors aren't worried about it because I look fine, and I'm staying at a set weight. I'm not still losing weight or anything. I feel better than ever, and honestly love my body because it seems to actually have evened its self out, but my boobs 😩 come on, I just want my boobs back! Dropping almost 2 cup sizes is very dramatic!