Cradle Cap?!?!

Has anyone ever heard of cradle cap? I have. My first son had it. The top of his head was very dry and flaky. Took about a month or so to get it to go away. Basically it looked like really really really bad dandruff. Now, who has ever heard of cradle cap on the rest of a baby's body? No? Me either! Well I'm here to tell you that apparently it happens.. My poor baby boy is a month old and has had this rash all over his face for the last week. His doctor kept telling me it was baby acne (I've seen baby acne, this was not it). So today I took him to the doctors because his poor face is so dry (looks like his skin is ready to crack and bleed), red, and basically just rashed all over, including his ears, and as of today, has spread to his upper chest and upper back as well. His doctor wasn't free, so I saw another one who said it looked like a really bad case of baby acne. Again I was very unsure of that answer, but he is the doctor, he knows what he is talking about. He took pictures to send to the dermatologist to confirm it. Thirty minutes later I get an email saying that it wasn't acne (finally confirmed what I was saying the whole flippin time) and that it was a bad case of cradle cap. Now how in the world does a baby get cradle cap on his face/body? Has anyone else ever heard of this???? His face just looks like it is in so much pain. I wish I would have just followed my gut and taken him in sooner to be seen. I am now putting a cream on it twice a day, hoping it helps make him a little more comfortable. 😞😕
Follow your instincts mommy's!  I know I should have for sure.  😣