Phantom pregnancy?!?!

My son will be 5months on the 12th and I bled and spotted up until last week. It just magically stopped. And I've been having these butterfly sensation in my abdomen. Kinda like when you feel baby move in the early stages. I took a pregnancy test about 4 or 5 days ago and it was negative. I know I could be finally regulating and that's why my bleeding suddenly stopped but it caught me off guard I've become used to it. And i wouldnt know if it was my cycle bc i havent had one since giving birth ive continuously bleed up until last week. I tried Google (never try Google) lol and I read something about how some women feel like there still pregnant after giving birth but I don't think 5 months down the road? Maybe I'm paranoid. We had such a hard time conceiving this little miracle I wouldn't think it would be this easy to get pregnant again so soon? Maybe I will test one more time. Just weird.