Maternal instincts or just crazy?

Any other veteran moms having 10x worse symptoms this go around? This is my 4th and I feel like crap! Lol I'm exhausted all day, I try to take a nap every day, but then night rolls around I'm exhausted but can't sleep for anything! Nauseous Check! gassy Check! Headaches Check! Heightened sense of smell Check! 
Light cramps, Check! Mood swings Check! Sore boobs Check! Lol
With my last 3 I had a few symptoms come and go. I never really got morning sickness, just the occasional barfing episode. But I was barfing with this one a week before I got my BFP
So my question (after my long drawn out explanation) do you have exasperated symptoms and think that it's twins? Because you KNOW it wasn't this bad the last time(s). Twins don't even run in my family but I swear something is different this go around. 🤔