Coworker lost her baby...

My coworker and I were in the office by ourself a few weeks ago, and she asked me if I could look at a test that she took and give me my opinion (knowing I wouldn't tell anyone), it was a faint positive...and being the poas addict I was before I found out I was pregnant (24weeks!) I had a spare in my pocket book and told her to take it. Well...positive it was!!!! Both of us were super excited and she asked that I keep it to myself because our boss had really been stressing us lateley and she didn't want to tell anyone until her ultrasound. Long story short...our boss can be a really unpredictable person and can really put stress and worry on someone. He randomly called her after work Thursday and told her not to come back until "he said so" without explinations and she panicked that she has lost her job and just found out she was preg with her second child. She came back to work yeaterday to a ton of work he left for her...went home and miscarried. I feel horrible for her. I just went through a miscarriage last year and just seeing a pregnant woman or a baby crushed me. And knowing she's going through that pain just really makes me feel for her. If I could hide my belly I would to make it easier for her. She's not the type of person that would be unhappy for just, ugh, know how hard it's going to be for her. And my boss is an ass! I'm not placing blame on anyone, but I know the stress she has went through over the weekend caused her to lose the baby. Whoever reads this storybook...Thank you. :( I'm glad she shared the excitement with me...because her husband is the only other person that knows she was pregnant and I'm glad I can give her some support...I just wish there was something I could do.