
Tyisha • 20years Old
Hello everyone, 
Just thought I'd bring up a matter I don't agree with personally.
Me and my cousin were having a discussion about children and mothers and she told me she had a date last weekend bare in mind she has a 1 year old daughter whose dad is not around and never had been since the baby was born , she made it clear to me that she wants her child to meet him so Me being me... Brought up the negatives to her idea she didn't agree and got angry and stormed out which I was Caring about my baby cousin's safety. I don't know this man he could hurt or be a really strange person so I brought these matters up to her and she got in a strop not going with what I said she went on her date and brought him back to her house to meet her child. 
Was I in the wrong for saying my opinion? 
To me I feel like she feels she needs a man in her life no necessarily for her child but for her and I don't understand it. I just think she should be fo using more on her child and not looking for different people to go on dates with there is no rush she is 22years Old and I am 20.