TTCING and emotions with it

I have been trying to conceive since January I do the opks and take my prenatal vitamins and basically did ever pre pregnancy to get pregnant.... Every month after month that passes by that I see that BFN just gets me really sad I know a lot of women feels this way that's why I like to post about it I'm going into month eight of trying and I have slowly stop going crazy over buying a million pregnancy test and ovulation test at this point in just so upset everytime I see my period because I work pretty hard in Laing s baby and once you see your period you feel helpless like what did you do wrong you know....ttcing is not fun especially when everyone around you is getting pregnant I'm happy for everyone at times though I will admit I say in my head when is it my turn ? I know my time will come soon so I need to relax and stay calm I'm just being a brat I guess lol with my first daughter it only took me three months to get pregnant with this child it's still 8 months and unsuccessful my question to you guys is what are some ways that you guys cope with your BFN and emotions that come with ttcing?