Cold hearted

If your 24 year old boyfriend ran from you because you were pregnant ran away from the responsibility. Diapers crib clothing etc.

What would you do he's 25 and you had the baby and you are invited to a family gathering and you ask your mom what should I tell everyone. She said tell them the truth you were pregnant and he ran away from responsibility instead of going through with what you had going getting married, getting a house together. Shit happens he ran what else can you say.

This is the truth he ran like a coward but how do I say this to my children when they grow up. Twins. How do I explain. A lie is better than the truth.

Should I deal with it.

The reason it's difficult is my dream of the happy family was crushed when he hit me. Then when he decided to run away. Later the fact that he broke up with me on my birthday left me with no where to live. He stole. And the fact I dusted myself off and gave birth alone have paid for everything and as a mother it's hard imagine being pregnant at six months no one hired a pregnant girl ready for maternity leave. Pregnancy discrimination. It has been difficult the most painful time was when I went to a parenting class alone and I saw a father holding a infant and I knew he wouldn't be there. Seeing the father's with the kids trick or treating on Halloween.

That's the reason I didn't leave him because I thought children need a father. Just not a womanizer a abuser. I got through it so I can tell a lie

I could tell the truth but who's that hurting?

The father is gone what's the difference between telling a innocent child your dad he's a deadbeat drug addict abusive and cuss words he chose not to be there at your birth he made his decisions.

Should I just say he's dead? What's the difference if I can't see you hear from you and you make no effort to have emotions that's "dead"