Depression and relationships..

I don't really have anyone to talk to about this, or at least I'm not 100% comfortable about it I feel talking to a complete stranger is sometimes easier to do. Anyway... I've dealt with depression my whole life (I'm 24) and I've always dealt with it in my own way (som of which weren't healthy) and I have never really wanted to seek professional help no matter how hard it got for me. About two years ago I moved in with my boyfriend and things were great up until my depression started getting the best of me we would argue and I would get very upset and lash out and say things I didn't mean, I would basically black out, I would never remember most of what I said to him out of hurt and anger it got bad to the point he wanted to leave and out of fear and sadness of him wanting out I finally confessed to him how I get and that I've dealt with depression my whole life, he was upset that I waited so long to open up about it and that our relationship had to get as bad as it did before I told him what was go on with me. fast forward to now I'm 8 months pregnant and my relationship is basically non existent we're still living together mainly because of our lease and for the sake of our children (we each have one from previous relationships) the father of my child has told me that I'm a hard person to be with and that he doesn't feel the same way about me and no longer wants me in a romantic way. He blames my depression and the fact that I have not gone out to seek professional help. I'm honestly embarrassed to and the one time I did it took two weeks to get a return call from the office and then about another month to hear back about an appointment by that point I was discouraged and didn't even bother making an appointment. So basically I'm wanting to know if anyone else has dealt with depression and if so has it effected or ruined any of your relationships?