Need some help ladies!!! This has nothing to do with pregnancy! Just need pregnant woman's advice!

So my husband has this friend and he told him he could stay with us on his days off as this guy has nowhere else to go because he lives 3 hours further away. Which I was fine with him staying at first. But the first time he stayed he was kind of disrespectful towards me and I just blew it off as pregnancy hormones over thinking things. Then a few nights later I had taken a bath and was lying down in my robe in mine and my husbands bed with the blankets over me. My husband came in to check on me because I wasn't feeling to well, his friend came in behind him, my husband told him to leave the room because I was sick and just in a robe. Out of respect we figured his friend would leave but he stood there staring at me and then said "you look hot like that" I got instantly creeped out and my husband could tell so he said "don't talk to my future wife like that" (we weren't married at that time.)  then just recently the guy showed back up. He stayed with my husbands sister on the 4th because we were all going to my husbands moms for fireworks and he wanted to go too but my husbands mom didn't have room for him to stay, so my sister in law said he could stay there. Well I guess he got a little creepy towards her when they got to her house that night, he has asked her what color underwear she was wearing and just gave her the creepy vibe. So she ended up sleeping with her two kids and herself locked in her bedroom with her gun on the night stand, she woke up at 2 to find him looking through her kids' doors, when she asked him what he was doing he just laughed and said nothing. He's been back at our house since the 5th and he has me so creeped out that I don't even feel comfortable in or around my house if my husband isn't home. I refuse to go home if he is there and my husband is gone. I'm off Thursday-Saturday and my husband has to work both Thursday and Friday this week so I've made plans to stay gone all day so I'm not alone with him. When I came home from work last night he stumbled out of the bathroom and grabbed me then hugged me and then questioned me as to why I wouldn't be home and how I needed to be home because I'm off the next three days. Then kept asking me to take him to the gas station it was almost midnight so I said no I'm going to bed and then he began questioning me again as to what my plans where for tomorrow and why i don't plan on staying home and everything else. I have no idea how to tell my husband that he scares me and creeps me out without it sounding like I'm just being a bitch or hormonal due to being 22 weeks pregnant. I don't want my husband to just freak out because they've been friends for 10 years. But something has to be done. I get the vibe that he wants to do something to me and I don't feel comfortable at all. Ladies how would you approach your husband in something like this?