Non-hormonal birth control?

Is there any form of non-hormonal long-term birth control besides Paragard (copper IUD)? I've had a lot of issues with hormonal birth control like migraines, messed up periods, nausea, depression, suicidal tendencies, etc. I've tried the pill (5+ types...I've lost count) and Nuvaring. They all did the same thing to me. I'm allergic to latex and I'm terrified of a condom breaking and getting pregnant. The non-latex ones seem to break much easier. I'm not convinced by spermicidal lubricant or the sponge/diaphragm either. I have a condition that causes some pregnancies to end in miscarriages and I don't want that at all. What I'm looking for may not even exist, but it's worth a try!! Other info: I'm 19, no kids, and my cycle is 29 days long with a 10 day period.