Controlling over baring parents 🙄💥

Kelsey • Laugh Live Pure 🤘🏽
I literally have no relationship with my mother what so ever . The reason being is because she is controlling , annoying , all types of psycho , paranoid of everything, and doesn't understand me as a teen not the society I live in. By controlling she picks out what I wear for school (I'm 17 not 6 , like PLEASE STOP) we argue every morning because she doesn't like what I wear. Tells me what to do what not to do can't do this every 5 secs! Annoying parents are just annoying. Psychonesss she's mentally crazy and does stupid things and when we (as in my 4 other siblings) give her a negative response she gets mad WELL stop doing stupid crap. Paranoid to the MAX she barricades all the doors with chairs . Jiggles handles 6 times after she looks it . Like damn you're going to break it . She scared of literally EVERYTHING!! She doesn't under me as a 17 year old . My mom is 58 years old . My pops is 62. Neither understand the styles in clothes , shoes, or hair just nothing. Have to explain everything to her. My dad doesn't care . I'm close with my dad so that's why . I still don't understand her though. She rude mean and talks about my friends and other people and it's like you're the devil !  
Should I talk to her about it (even though I don't want too and she won't listen) ? OR. What?  This is my senior year and just waiting patiently to leave this hell hole .