Spotting and cramping with the pill! HELP

Hello! So I've been on Apri (generic Desogen) and I'm on my 4th month of it. I've skipped my last 2 periods, and the first time I skipped it was fine - no spotting completely wonderful no problems. Then I skipped my period again the next month/packet... And about 3 weeks in, ( one week before I'm going to take my sugar pills and get my period) I start cramping, and it really does hurt, and I've never been one to need ibuprofen but these cramps hurt! And then spotting- either really dark blood or brown. And sometimes its a lot! And sometimes none but no matter what the cramps keep on coming! I'm hoping that when I take my sugar pills and not skip my period that will let my body bleed out whatever it's been wanting to.. So do you think the spotting will cease once I take my sugar pills and actually let my "period" come? Any help ladies? I need this spotting to go away! 😕