My Deans Story


My name is Tiffany & Im a very proud preemie mom.

My little Dean was born 2 months early at 30 weeks, longggggg very difficult road to get home.

Spent 46 days in the NICU, in a hospital 2.5 hrs away from home, driving back and forth to see...

He was 3lbs, 7oz. Length: 17.5in

Hes been a fighter since being conceived. Even born at 30 weeks he was always very active. & I got lucky and we held off having him until I got the steroid shots to help produce his lungs. Yet they were still not fully developed. But he could have been so much worse.

Well I could spend days saying what all we went thru & how tough he is but he shows it today...

Last dr visit he was 7lbs, 14oz & 20in long. In 2 days he will be 3 months (1 month corrected). Time has flew by..

And everyone, "hes so little"... & thats now..

No hes a big good sized baby. He wassss really little..

But hes growing well & I said I must put miracle gro in my breastmilk. Lol