Over reacting or trust issues?

Shian • Due January 24th 👶🏼❤️
Yesterday I was out of town, and I was on FaceTime with my boyfriend. My iPhone charger was messed up so it would charge then not charge then charge again, and while that was happening my phone would vibrate, telling me it was charging. My boyfriend asked me who kept texting me over and over again, I told him no one it was my charger, and he called me a liar. 
Then today my boyfriend asked me when I got my birth control shot, I replied the 7th of last month, and he said I was lying it had to be later than that. 
I'm just so tired of feeling not trusted. Like I know when I got my shot, and he is telling me different. Am I over reacting or does he have some type of trust issues. should I tell him how I feel?