Please give me advice about gyno!

So, I turned 18 in January. I've heard mixed things about starting to see a gyno. I've heard that you should see one right when you start having sex and I've heard that you have to see one just when you turn 18. Well, I am 18 and I've been having sex since I was 15 and I've never seen a gyno, I've only had a pediatrician. When i told my mom About seeing a gyno since I had sex she told me to wait until I was 18. A couple months before I was 18 I started asking her about seeing a gyno and she didn't help at all and she blew it off like it didn't matter. I currently don't speak to her. I don't have anyone to ask about this stuff lol so any advice is greatly appreciated please!!! I don't even have a normal Doctor right now either lol