Story time - advice???

So I've been in a great, happy, fulfilling, and committed relationship for close to 9 months now with the man of my dreams. Things have been going really great between us!! About a year and a half ago, I interned at my town's police station and I was assigned to the night shift, which was great because a lot of action happened - shootings, DUI's, fights, etc. It was always action packed and interesting. I remained in contact with one officer because I will need references for my future career - he is 8 years older than me. Today, I was at kick boxing class and he was there as well, and we talked after the class and caught up. He asked about my current boyfriend and I happily responded all about him. However, as I was saying my goodbyes, he confessed that he had a long standing crush on me since we first met - a year and a half ago. I told him I obviously could not reciprocate those feelings. I went to hug him goodbye and he attempted to kiss me. I had to push him away because I definitely do not want to cheat on my boyfriend. I already told my boyfriend about the encounter, and he had a good laugh because he has met this officer before with me at several company events. I do not know whether to cut off all contact with the officer because I do not want anyone trying to come between my relationship, however I really need strong references for my future career. Please help with advice!!