
I'm not really sure where else to put this, it's more of a venting than anything else. 
I quit smoking during my pregnancy, and I had my baby 22 days ago, the last 2 days I've been really wanting to smoke a cig. I can't drink coffee because I feel like my baby is sensitive to it. So I don't really have anything I can "reward" myself. I really don't want to give in, and I don't think I will, I guess I'm just looking for encouragement. I'm a FTM. So maybe I am a little stressed? I'm pretty much doing this alone. So maybe I'm just lonely and looking back at what used to comfort me? Ehh. Anyways, thanks for reading. I feel stupid for even feeling this way. My baby isn't a hard one. He's just fussy sometimes , usually at night. I get upset with myself because I can't console him. We think it's gas, and I do all I can to sooth him, but he is fussy for a few hours then falls asleep. 
I just feel like a shitty mom for feeling this way, and not being able to help my baby when he is fussy. I don't know anyone else to talk to about this.