Weight gain

Hey ladies. I need some advice or maybe I just need to vent.... My husband and I just found out on Saturday that we are expecting our first baby together. This will be my second overall. I am having such a hard time getting excited about this pregnancy. I am excited to have another baby and this is what we wanted. I guess I'm just having a hard time with the weight gain. I am at the heaviest I have ever been and just recently started back in the gym, working out to get back in shape. And I feel awful but I can't help but to keep thinking about how I'm just going to get heavier and heavier. I I have never been super skinny and I have always been proud of my curves and "tiger stripes". I am just feeling down on myself that I finally got motivated to lose weight and I hardly started seeing results and now I'm pregnant and that number is just going to keep going up and up. Thank you for reading this. We haven't shared our news with anyone yet and I just really needed to get that out.