Getting caught

So me and my boyfriend were having sex in the back of my car. We have a specific spot we usually always go to since we can't do it at our houses. We have never gotten caught before and today.. We did. Thank goodness we were already done having our bomb sex and he was fully dressed. I was laying my head on his lap with my pants down as he fingered me and kissed me. We heard a car approach behind so we peeked over to see what it was.. It was a police car! I tried pulling my pants up without it looking obvious but I couldn't pull them all the way up, they were skinny jeans so it was harder to put on. Our windows were cracked a little bit but he came up and asked us to roll it down more so me not having pants, I stayed seated while my boyfriend got my keys and put down the window. The officer asked what we were doing and my boyfriend said "just chillin" and he said "I'm not stupid I see her pants halfway on, don't lie to me" and he was like okay sorry. And then the officer asked for our age and IDs I barley turned 18, my boyfriend has been 18, so he had an ID, I didn't. So I gave him my full name and he took my boyfriends ID and went to his car to put in our information. He came back as let us off with a warning. He said he was young once too so he understands. Just to not do it out in the open and to find other places to do it. So we took off super shacky