Birth control?

I'm just curious as to what everyone's opinions on the best birth control are. 
I've gotten pregnant twice on birth control (the patch-I was allergic to it. And nuvaring-they aren't sure what happened there) 
I've tried to shot right after I had my first and ended up bleeding for six months straight, so we stopped. 
I also was on the pill for like a month but it was making me sick, my doctor said she could give me something else to take to help with the sickness but also suggeste I try nuvaring. I went ahead and switched to nuvaring and, like I said, got pregnant. 
I was going to get the implant after I had my second baby, but ive recently seen a lot of issues with it-including some issues it caused in my best friend. Then I was going to get the IUD and of course.. Now I'm seeing issues with it. 
What should I do? What birth control are you on/going to get on and how well does it work? 
Edit: my issues, I don't mean side effects. I mean actual health problems. With the IUD I've recently seen a woman got pregnant on it, it caused her to lose the baby and she is now infertilr because she had to have her ovaries removed. 
The implant has been attatchig to the muscles in people's arms and they are having to go into full surgery to have it removed.