Hey Mommas, Need advice!


My two year old is becoming a little monster, and I'm struggling on getting her to go to sleep on her own. She likes to sleep with me and my husband, but I'm pregnant and already struggling to get good nights sleep. So far what I've been doing is taking her upstairs to her bedroom and laying in bed with her while watching Nemo or whatever movie she picks while we snuggle or read a book, after about an hour I say "okay! it's time to go to bed on your own now like a big girl" I set her in her crib (I have a twin bed set up in her room also but she will climb out and just come get in bed with me) and then kiss her, say I love you give her a stuffed animal and then leave the room. She'll stand up, and cry for me yelling out mommy and throwing her stuffed animals out of her crib, I leave the movie on low volume so once she calms down she can just maybe watch Nemo and fall asleep. I can't help but stand in the door way, peaking in to watch her while my heart breaks. I hate hearing her so upset and calling for me, but she needs to sleep on her own, I can't keep letting her sleep with me, and I can't have her needing me or her dad all night once our new daughter is born. I'm worried maybe the cry it out method isn't good for her, but also don't want to spoil her and let her continue to sleep with us when it's just not working anymore. So, my question is... am I doing the right thing? What other things should I try? What's worked for you? Any words of encouragement, so I know I'm not hurting my little girl by making her cry it out. HELP.

Here's a picture of my sweet pea: