Which brand of OPKs are you using?

India • Ron’s wife and Rily Bell’s Mom
I found a brand called Easy @Home...little dip strips...I have PCOS and never ovulate...so I've never gotten a positive opk test result...I'm wondering if they're truly effective and I don't ovulate or if they're not and it missed an ovulation period...here's a pic of the box...(pretty good on the pockets: $20+/- with 50 LH tests and 20 hcg tests) 
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Posted at
I use these and love them! Have you thought about trying something like maca root or vitex to help you ovulate? 


India • Jul 11, 2016
Can I take that while taking clomid?


Posted at
I got a bunch of the same type of dips for $11 on Amazon. 


Posted at
I use easy @ home too and they work great for me. Very accurate. 


Posted at
I love that kind and they always work for me. 


Posted at
Hi could anyone help got peak opk clear blue on 21st june it is now 9th july and no period took cb digi on cycle day 26 not with fmu tho and said not pregnant but im over tired hot flushes sore heavy boobs bachache wee aches in lower abdomin and been unwell also being very moody and feeling sick and can smell alot stronger than before my last cycle was 26 before that it was 18 had a mc on dec at 11 weeks my last period was 12th june and finished on the 15th june could i still be pregnant could that be too early too have tested please help .is there any point in testing again or too just wait on af coming