Just a rant

Really hope this is the month after I get off af... miscarried at 13 weeks in February. Missed miscarriage with lots of blood loss. Had signed up for freebies and that and I keep getting stuff in the mail. Every time I see a pregnant lady or get the stuff in the mail I get upset, I wish so much that we hadn't lost ours. We wanted that baby so badly, we were so happy being pregnant. Here we are, 5 months out from our wedding and only a few weeks away from our angel's due date and I'm so emotional. Stupid stuff makes me cry. The other day I couldn't get the package of bacon open and I cried and he thought it was adorable. I am still happy with my life. I just feel like I'm still grieving over our loss. Praying so much that it happens soon. It's so hard to BD on the right day with him being an over the road truck driver. I feel like it's never going to happen and I've stopped altogether <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a>. I know it's only been like 4-5 months since our loss and some couples need more time to conceive but can't it just happen already?! I'm just going to have fun and do what I want, hopefully it'll happen soon.