Emotional Monday.

_.B._ • 6.13.15 💍 - Mother of 5 🚼
I have no one close to vent to & I thought what better place than with you ladies 😕
I started my journey on June 13 of this year, my one year wedding anniversary. I'm a mother of five and I've been overweight since I was 18 years old. As I was running today I couldn't help but breakdown on the track. I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed and how tired I am of life in this body. I'm tired of looking at my "mom body" with the way my stomach hangs. For lack of a better word I'm tired of being fat!
 As I was running with tears running down my face I was thinking to myself how sick I am of being overweight, for my body not moving the way that I mentally want it to. How my legs were on fire & my lungs were struggling to just breathe. I tried to just remember what my daughter told me. "Don't look up mom, look down so you don't see how far you have left to go", so I did simply that and kept running.
I came to a stop & took a second to realize a few things. I may still be heavyset but I'm trying, i'm not just sitting on the couch anymore. My legs may be burning while begging me to stop, but my legs are moving nonetheless. I may be out of breath, but I'm pushing myself. So with my head held high and my eyes looking straight so I could see how far I had left I kept running & took the time to appreciate myself & my efforts. 
One day I'll be where I want to be, although I'll always have my mom body I want to be able to appreciate it for what it is, for what I've made it, for what I'm going to make it one simple lap at a time.