Career and family balance


How hard is it to balance a career and your family (husband/boyfriend and kids)?

I'm the type of person where if i was financially secure and knew a job opportunity was affecting my family in any negative way, then i would have no problem putting my family first and looking for a new (more family suited) job opportunity.

I don't know if thats a "normal" mentality to have but it seems like a lot of men would pick the job over their family even if they were financially stable and knew the job was negatively affecting his wife/kids.

I really don't know if any of this is making sense. Maybe I'm just over thinking this stuff about my future ? Maybe it's just the fields that my SO and I are going into ? Or maybe it's my SO and I having different priorities and ways of deciding things when it comes to that stuff ? Either way I just need some sort of reassurance that balancing a career and family isn't as difficult as other people around me make it seem. 😕