My husband doesn't love me.

He says he loves me. He has sex with me and he tells me he loves me during. He never helps my cum or even acts interested in wanting me to cum. He hangs out with his friends every possible moment he can and they get high. He is ALWAYS on his phone. Since we were married I moved into his house and when we fight he tells me to get out of HIS house. He is never interested in anything I have to say. He is all about himself he always wants to do his own thing and gets annoyed if I don't keep up. I moved my whole life to live with him after we got married so he can be close to work since I was able to transfer easily. So I left my family and friends and now I have no one and he gets annoyed and says I need my own life whenever I tell him I want to do something with him instead of him going out with his friends. The only time he is happy with me is if he gets to hang out with his friends later. He always says he is going to do things for or with me and he NEVER not once done it... We have been married for 3 months... And I don't know if he loves me.. What do you think based on my post? I know that fact that I'm even asking should be a clue but idk what to do. Yes I have told him how I feel and he always ends up yelling. I HAVE DONE NOTHInG WRONG. 
My heart is bring you guys :(