Feeling fed up😢😭

I am currently 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant, my S/O and I have been together for 4 1/2 years we've been married for 2 the beginning of our relationship he did a lot of cheating long story short I took him back we have 4 kids together already 2 from a previous relationship of mine... Well yesterday we got into an argument basically because I bought his brother a $4 for his phone... But let me take you back a while ago I told him if he ever cheated on me I will try to fuck his brother JUST TALKING OUT OF ANGER because I would never do that but I was so mad because he cheated so often. So now back to the present this is why he was mad that I bought his brother something I guess it brought Bach memories andyway he just kept going on and I told him he was being a a bitch about and that it was not that serious smh. He then started calling me out of name and saying I was probably pregnant before he came home as If I'm pregnant by someone else he was in jail for 8 months he got home June 3rd 2016 te first day of my last period was May 28th got my smiley face on an digital opk June 7th we had sex my entire fertile week my cycle is every 25 days so I was due for AF June 21st but took and early response June 18th and finally got my BFP. The fact that he is questioning me is really pissing me off and making me really sad and make me want to spit on him I'm just of the bullshit. We both had di things in the past but we moved on atleast I thought we did. It's just so sad that I am dealing with this stuff I don't know what to do I don't want to get an abortion but I'm scared to be alone with 5 kids😢😢😢😢 any advice?