How to deal with s/o mom

Latoya • Excited and nervous pg with my son and a mother of an 8 year old daughter

Ok so a little back story..I met my s/o (he is Hispanic) as I was coaching my daughters soccer team his daughter was my player. One thing led to another and we are secretly dating...didn't want to freak other parents. Anyways his mom was always sweet until she found out we were dating. Now before i had any issues she kept my daughter and his youngest one night when we went to a wedding. First question she asked me was" how many kids do you have bulk women tend to have a lot?" I was floored but I answered her with respect ( I only have one) mind you her son has two from two different marriages. She then says another time.. Well the neighbors down the street (black) will be so excited when they find out ur dating a black girl...why would they care smh. Ok so after that she makes some remarks during Xmas to my s/o asking what foods do we eat for Xmas..."collard greens and fried chicken?" Now as he tells me this he also says oh and then she said when she kept your daughter she was jumping on the bed and she told him

.."see none of them have manners" mind you his daughter was as well. Anyways needless to say when she found out I was pg she hit the roof. I've kept my distance from her..matter of fact I haven't spoken to her since February and my daughter is kept far far away. She even went as far as telling him that she hopes we dont give him a ghetti name and if we will consider him just hispanic. I'm trying to figure out how to deal with the hospital situation bc truthfully I don't want her anywhere near my son. And to make matters worse she babysits and my s/o thinks its a good idea to let her keep him to save money. She has tried to make amends but I'm truly just hurt at the fact that someone could be so evil to someone they don't even know. I don't know what to do. I need advice should I stat away or let her be around?