Missed a pill?

So here recently my pill taking times have been all over the place (by a few hours) I usually take it around 2 pm but sometimes it can be anywhere from 2-5. Yesterday I missed my pill completely. I woke up to spotting (which I know is normal) and I took my pill around 10 am this morning for yesterday's dosage. Then today's pill I took around 4:30 because I had a hair appointment and it slipped my mind. However, around 6 I got really nauseous and now it's almost midnight and I can't even move because I just feel so sick to my stomach. Is it because I took two dosages or could it be possible that I'm pregnant? I had sex when I was ovulating but I know he did not go inside of me. I talked to my friend and she said she's never felt sick when they were taken the same day but hours apart but then again she didn't spot like I did. I've been spotting all day (and my period ended on the 2nd) and I'm nauseous. I don't want to call my doctor because I'm only 17 and I don't want to stress my mom with a (possible) pregnancy scare so if anyone's had something similar happen please let me know