Marriage 🙄

Okay girls I am so frustrated. A couple days ago I told my mother that I was pregnant. She was disappointed not really sure why even though she tried to explain. I'm 21 and this will be my first child. But anywho I told her I was pregnant and she immediately went into marriage mode. Asking me were me and the boyfriend going to get married since we started this family. She said we have been playing house for too long and we need to make it official. We have been together for 5 years. I have my own house and he doesn't stay with me all the time. He has clothes and things here but he hasn't officially moved in. My mother keeps pressuring me to ask him to move in and ask him if he is ever going to marry me. I'm not in a rush because I know where we stand with each other. And I know where our communication lies. We have talked about it plenty of times before. But now she is jumping down my throat just to get answers.Â