Primolut N tablets

Hi guys, 
So I've been taking Primolut N tablets for the past month (30 days). 
I was put on this tablet for two reasons.
The main reason and pretty much only reason why I saw my doctor was because I get really bad period cramps when I ovulate, so he has put me on this pill to prevent ovulation to prevent and lessen my cramps.
The other reason, well just happened to be an advantage of taking this tablet is birth control. 
So my question about this pill is, is it meant to prevent me from getting my period each month? I am 4 days late and was wondering if it was my tablet that is stopping me get my period. 
If anybody has any idea what tablet I am I am talking about it would be awesome if you could get back to me ASAP ☺️ 
Thanks heaps <a href="">Eve</a> family 💕 xo