First post here

Melissa Carrie🐠 • Addictions PHD, Mommy by day (2 kids...11 pregnancies) Don`t dish out what you can`t take!
Hi! If you haven't seen my posts before I'm Melissa, 34, mommy of 2, and my body hates Truly I don't know what to do. 
I just got through my 6th miscarriage at 9 weeks. I've had them at 4,5,16,11,7 and 9 weeks. After my son was born in 2012 I had previously had 2 but we just assumed they were bad luck. Then we got pregnant in 2015 ALOT and finally were told that my body doesn't make progesterone. Ok, I can deal with taking supplements. However my ob won't give them to me without confirmed blood work. I get that and respect it but what about when the pregnancy doesn't show due to any reason  so you can't get the progesterone right away? I had kidney stones in my 8th week (about 3 weeks ago) went to the er (oh my do they hurt) and the er doc had no issue at all giving me supplements!! I was floored and happy hoping I could have a third child. 
Anyway I starting clotting the next day and levels started going down the day after. So here is my question? What would you do..count your blessings and get my tubes tied or have that third blessing? I'm truly torn, this mental hurt is almost too much and the fact that doctors don't listen to is when we know our bodies kills me: my delivery stories are ridiculous too but I won't get into