gassy baby; help 😭

I'm completely stressed out today. my daughter has started this thing where she only sleeps while I'm busy so I can't sleep anymore.. I have her on enfamil newborn and when I feed her she spits up every time I burp her. this time of night I always cosleep, but when I lay her on me and pat her butt she just squirms. she is SO tired this morning but keeps spitting up and squirming. i dont know what to do, I'm so exhausted I want to cry. she's frustrating me because I don't know what to do anymore. I had to put her in her boppy to give myself a break, I get so mad at myself when I'm frustrated with her. she's had gripe water, and the one time I tried gas drops a few weeks ago it did absolutely nothing. I swaddled her, I rocked her, I patted her butt, she just does not feel good and it makes me so freaking upset that my milk production sucks so bad so I have to give her the crappy stuff that makes her hurt. 😭😭
Edit; she's not colic, just squirmy! she doesn't cry about it much, you can just tell it bothers her.Â