Baby Quinn made his arrival!

Quinn Matthew McGowan was born 7/15/16 7lbs 5oz 19inches long! 39 weeks! 
My mucus plug passed at 12:45pm and I was sent home from my doctors office at 2cm 90% effaced and went back to the hospital three hours later and was 4cm 100% effaced, two hours later at 8pm I was 8cm and was in a lot of pain so I got the epidural and was able to rest for awhile. Ended up pushing for three hours and had my epidural turned off for the last two hours to help me push, it was rough but mama's are so tough!! I am beyond in love and all of the pain is worth it. There is no feeling to describe the love you feel the second they put that baby on your chest. Skin to skin and breastfeeding are such an amazing experience. Good luck to all of the July Moms! Thank you for a great support group!