fenugreek overdose?

I have two bottles of fenugreek. one is 1000mg and the other is 650mg.. I've been taking 4 at a time of the 650mg and haven't had a problem, so today I thought I would take 4 of the 1000mg because I've started breastfeeding more than I was before.. my stomach hurts SO bad. I can't even hardly hold my daughter at this point because I'm in so much pain. it feels like I'm about to get diarrhea or like I'm going to throw up.. I googled overdose symptoms and most are long term, but it did say it could cause aggressive stomach pain. has anyone else experienced this? it's 2:30 and I have to babysit at 3 so I'm pretty worried about having 2 kids to watch with this happening. I'm not too concerned, I figure it will pass soon, but has anyone experienced this? how long will it last? I hate feeling like I can't take care of my baby because I'm in too much pain 😓 (I also read it could be just a side effect, but regardless it sucks enough to never take the stupid pills again)