Break from breastfeeding


I was having the worst experience trying to breastfeed. I could not get her to latch on right, her mouth wouldn't open big enough to get a lot in. It was extremely painful and it had me in tears. Please don't criticize, I tried so hard. Talked to the doctor and lactation consultant and worked with her and still couldn't get it. So we started giving her formula and I would pump a few times a day and give her that. But I wasn't producing much each time I pumped, both sides for 15 mins and I only got like barely 2 ounces. And not that much everytime.

It's been about two days since I pumped because I've been busy, and I noticed their not leaking as much as they used to...

Idk how it works but could they be dried up and not producing anymore? I'd like to try to feed her again because formula is so expensive but I'm afraid I waited too late :(